
After Engaging PixelRush For PPC, All Lift Crane Trucks...

Increased Leads Generated By 480%

480% Increased in Leads Generated
88% Reduction in Cost Per Lead
18% Conversion Rate (Roughly 2 Leads per 10 Clicks)
30 Leads Generated in 30 Days

About All Lift Crane Trucks

All Lift Crane Truck is a family operated lift crane truck hire service in Melbourne.


Before approaching PixelRush, Ian and Cathy had grown their business successfully off the back of word of mouth and referrals and providing great customer service. In recent times however, leads had slowed and for the first time they were in need of a consistent and predictable lead source. They’d contacted a couple of other companies who showed very little interest helping them, as they were a smaller company, and were left confused as to what was the best approach.

The Solution

High Converting landing page

They were using a Wix website which they had built for themselves but it was not conveying the right message in terms of their unique benefits and value proposition and what they could offer to prospective customers.

We custom designed a high converting single page website / landing page that we could send Google Ads traffic to. We used strong call to actions, trust indicators and made sure we put their unique features and benefits front and centre for their customers to see the value of their service.

Targeted Google Ads Campaign

They were running a Google Ads Express account (off the poor advice of Googles support) which was doing nothing more than waste their money and attract clicks from irrelevant search terms.

We converted it to a full Google Ads campaign and created highly targeted ad groups to ensure we only attracted the most relevant opportunities for them.


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Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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