
After Engaging Pixelrush for Google Ads, Pivotal Family Lawyers…

Enjoyed a 575% Increase in Leads in Their First Month.

575% Increase in Leads In Month 1
52% Decrease in Cost Per Lead
224% Scale in Ad Spend.
208% Conversion Rate Increase

About Pivotal Family Lawyers

Note, the name of our client has been changed for the purpose of this case study to protect our client and their results. Due to the competitiveness of legal firms, we’re often under NDAs or simply due to the success of campaigns the client is unwilling to divulge their details for fear of losing their competitive advantage.

Pivotal Family Lawyers is a large family law firm in Australia operating from a major capital city. Prior to PixelRush, they had run Google Ads with a number of ad agencies but always been left feeling underwhelmed and leading towards continuously turning their ads off due to the high expense and poor results. We were so confident that we could help that we guaranteed the leads they would receive within 30 days of the campaign launch.

The Problems

Before engaging Pixelrush in January 2023:

  • They were not tracking things properly.
  • They were sending traffic to text-heavy website pages where the content was hard to digest.
  • Their overall brand strength was weak across their core website.
  • They worked with agencies that didn’t specialise in law firms leading to poor performing results.


Here are some of the solutions we implemented:

Search Campaigns

We created a number of search campaigns including general campaigns targeting the high-competition location search terms. Services campaigns targeting the service and sub-service level and location pages targeting very specific location terms.

Dynamic Locations

We used dynamic location landing pages using our own proprietary system. The tool allows us to dynamically insert the location creating a perfect match between what someone is searching for and what someone discovers on the landing page. I.e. a search term like “Mitcham family lawyer” will talk all about Mitcham on the landing page.

Custom Landing Pages

We designed and developed brand-new landing pages. These pages performed so well that the client decided to take the look and feel and apply it to their actual website too.

Brand Campaigns

We created brand campaigns to protect their brand name and prevent their competitors from stealing their hottest prospects.

Accurate Tracking of Leads

We tracked everything, including contact forms, mail links and we tracked all phone calls accurately using Callrail.

Negative Keywords

Due to our extensive work with law firms over many years, we’re able to rapidly optimise accounts in short periods of time by applying large lists of negative keywords that quickly minimise and eliminate common areas of waste.

First-month results, the client went from wanting to turn their ads off to having too many leads to handle.

Leads increased by 57 by month two we reduced the avg cost per lead down to $167 with some leads costing as little as $134. The client has now slowed their ads because they have received more than enough leads for them to handle over the coming months.


As A Result of Our Work

Pivotal Family Lawyers Have Seen....

Pivotal Family Lawyers are now scaling into a second location with a secondary law firm. They currently have too many leads to handle in their initial location forcing them to slow down their initial ad spend and divert campaigns to the second location.

  • 575% Increase in Leads In Month 1
  • 52% Decrease in Cost Per Lead
  • 224% Scale in Ad Spend.
  • 208% Conversion Rate Increase

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Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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