
After Engaging PixelRush For SEO, Brain Wellness Spa...

Increased Revenue by 277% in Just 13 Months

683% Return on Advertising Investment
277% Increase in Revenue
667% Increase in Traffic
738% Increase in Conversions

About Brain Wellness Spa

Brain Wellness Spa is a Perth based mental health clinic that helps people overcome all types of mental illnesses using cutting edge neuro therapy techniques. They also work with athletes, executives and entrepreneurs to unlock their brains full potential and improve performance.


Brain Wellness Spa (BWS) was founded in 2004. In the early years the business grew organically on word of mouth sales, but overtime growth began to flatline as the company had no consistent and profitable lead generation system to rely on to bring in new business..

It was at this time owner Terri Bowman first decided to engage a digital marketing company to help with SEO and try to increase leads and sales.

Over the next 3 years Terri invested over $100,000 with 7 different SEO agencies, with very disappointing results as Terri explains below.

By 2016 Terri was almost ready to give up on SEO and digital marketing. She decided to give it one last try, hoping she had learnt from past mistakes. After interviewing 10 different companies Terri decided to engage PixelRush for SEO services, even though initially she thought the monthly fee was a little over her budget.

At this time Brain Wellness Spa was turning over $350,000 and had 2 part time staff. Terri informed Pixel Rush her goal for the SEO campaign was to increase the number of new monthly clients from 30 to 60 new clients.


PixelRush audited Brain Wellness Spa’s entire current online marketing at the time. We discovered many areas we knew could be improved dramatically including:

Redesign Existing Website

Redesigning the existing website as it was confusing, lacked unique selling points and lacked social proof.

Optimised Site

Focused our SEO efforts on keywords that generated sales, not just traffic or high rankings, and attracting customers with buying intent.

Content Marketing

Implementing proven, whitehat SEO techniques including original, high quality content marketing to attract customers at different stages of the buying life-cycle.

Custom Website Development

Complete custom website developed which involved improving the website and landing page copy, designs and offers to increase conversion rates.

Structured Adword Campaign

Converted a struggling adwords campaign into a structured and highly profitable campaign by targeting clicks with buying intent.

Improved Copy & Trust

Developed new sales copy targeted directly at our ideal customers and added reviews, case studies and video testimonials which dramatically improve the trust in the BWS brand.


By implementing the above strategies as well as guiding Terri on her overall digital marketing strategy, we were able to achieve Terri’s goal of doubling new monthly leads from 30 to 60 in just 3 months.

Terri has now increase her ongoing investment with PixelRush and knows that for every dollar she spends another $6 to $7 dollars more will be returned to her.

And after just 13 months working with PixelRush, Brain Wellness Spa has now:

  • Increased revenue by over 277%
  • Increased monthly conversions (leads) from 62 to 520
  • Increased monthly traffic from 2382 visitors to 7260 visitors
  • Increased website conversion rate from 2.39% to as high as 11.61%
  • 683% return on the advertising investment
  • Increased from 1 full-time and 2 part-time staff, to 7 full-time and 2 part time staff

In terms of lifestyle and the businesses future Terri has:

  • Cut back one day a week and now works only 4 days a week
  • Reduced her client work and now spends the majority of her time improving and growing her business
  • Completely booked up her schedule and clinic rooms well in advance and is looking at opening a new clinic to handle the excess clients coming through the door everyday.
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Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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