
After Engaging PixelRush For Google Ads, Exakt Glass...

Increased their Conversion Rate By 37% & Reduced their Cost Per Conversion by 34%

33% ( $13,402) Cost Reduction
34% Reduced Cost per Conversion
37% Increased Conversion Rate Percentage
9% Increased CTR Improvement

About Exakt Glass

Exakt Glass are the experts you want to call when it comes to top-quality and stylish glass pool fencing and glass balustrade.

Having been in the business for over a decade, they provide a free design service and all their products come with a 10 year warranty.

Their showroom and distribution center is in Victoria, but they ship to anywhere in Australia.

The Problem

Before engaging Pixelrush, Exakt Glass were running and managing their own Google Ads campaigns.

One of the biggest problems we had to address was the fact that a huge amount of their ad spend was getting wasted on various irrelevant search terms.
Examples of these keywords are competitor search terms, sizings (of glass products), and misspelt keywords.

Our analysis showed that the top 20 waste keywords alone have lost them A$795.41 to date. Yes folks — I’m only referring to the top 20 search terms out of hundreds and hundreds of search terms. So you can just imagine how much of their marketing budget was really going down the drain.

They also weren’t tracking everything. So they had no hard facts when it came to which of the things they were doing online were really moving the needle in terms of their business goals.


(Website not created by PixelRush)


Here are some of the solutions we implemented:

Analysed their existing campaigns

We analysed their existing campaigns and identified the top searches they were getting, which ones were converting, and out of those, which ones were converting at much higher rates.

Overhauled and restructured their ad campaigns

We overhauled and restructured their ad campaigns. We re-grouped their ads based on suburbs, regions, and states in order to provide a better experience for the prospects doing the searches.

Tracked all calls

We tracked all the calls, calls from ads, form submissions, Landing Page submissions, and everything else. This made their marketing decisions and ad spend budgeting decisions much more informed, intelligent, and most of all profitable.

Overhauled the Negative Keywords Lists

We did a major overhaul of their Negative Keywords Lists. We created themed negative keywords lists that we then applied to the relevant campaigns. In fact, we built a total of 13 of these lists, each of which ranged from as little as 2 keywords to as big as 2,261 keywords.

This allowed them to scale more easily because they’ve eliminated a huge number of wasteful words.

Managed their Group of Ads

Because of the way we have set things up, Exakt Glass gained the ability to turn on or turn off whichever group of ads, as and when needed.

For example, if they had promotions relevant to a specific product or geographical area, they were able to manipulate their campaigns accordingly.

This allowed them to execute their ads based on their bigger marketing strategy or how much demand or supply they’ve got at any particular time or place.

Converted their marketing funnels

They were also able to see how their marketing funnels are converting in Sydney VS Melbourne (for example). They were able to re-route their budget from low performing campaigns and markets to higher-converting ones, thus maximising every penny of their investment.

Having solid intel at their fingertips gave them the power to make strategic decisions with more confidence.


Exakt Glass has now:

  • Cost reduction 33% ( $13,402)
  • Conversion rate percentage increased by 37%
  • Reduced cost per conversion by 34%
  • Increased CTR improvement by 9%

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