
After Engaging PixelRush for SEO & Google Ads, Great Southern Sunnies...

Increased Their Monthly Traffic by 1915% and Their Monthly Revenue by 4361% in 4 Years

1915% Increase In Monthly Visitors
4361% Increase in Gross Sales
1205% Ave Increase in Ranking Keywords
7 Figures in Sales Generated

About Great Southern Sunnies

Great Southern Sunnies is one of the fastest growing online sunglasses retailers in Australia. They stock the latest and largest ranges of international brands with an unbeatable price match guarantee. It’s no surprise why they’re quickly becoming the go-to shop for lovers of fine sunglasses.

Our Solution:

Sales-Driven Ecommerce Website

We designed and developed their fully custom online shop (pictured) using conversion-focused principles. This included:

  • Transition from Neto to WordPress with Woocommerce.
  • Integration of the site with Ebay and Amazon using Codisto — allowing them to control their sales in all channels from one interface.
  • Integration of the site with Active Campaign — allowing them to send fortnightly promotional emails, abandoned cart emails and birthday emails.
    This generated 11,252+ contacts and over $42,000 in sales.
  • Rewriting the copy for their entire site and product pages, adding a much needed persuasive punch.
    This helped them gain a peak 4361.54% increase in monthly sales even though the site launched just as the pandemic hit in April 2020.

Search Optimisation

Complete On-page SEO Overhaul

We focused our SEO efforts on ranking for high volume search terms related to sunglasses brands. We targeted search terms with high buying intent.

  • We improved crawl times by excluding unnecessary areas of the site and completely rewriting all of the important meta tags.
  • We built their brand, style, colour and many other forms of the pages to optimise the site on a multitude of different search terms.
    This resulted in them going from ranking on 360 keywords in SEMrush to currently ranking on over 4700 (a 1205.56% increase) and a peak of 5200 keywords (a 1344.44% increase).
  • They went from 630 total visitors per month (July 2018) to a peak of 12,700 visitors per month (September 2021). This is a 1915.87% increase.

Brand Page Optimisation

Brand is one of the most important driving features when it comes to marketing sunglasses. So in the second half of 2021, we focused heavily on improving onpage content for the brand categories.

  • In June 2021, their brand keyword rankings were 320 keywords for brand pages (only one keyword in top 5 position; highest position was 4). Traffic to these brands pages was approximately 300 organic visitors per month.
  • By June 2022 their brand keyword rankings were 434 keywords for brand pages. Of these, 22 keywords were in top 5 positions; highest position was 1.
    Traffic to these brand pages is now approximately 1,026 organic visitors per month.That’s a 242% increase in organic monthly visitors within a 12-month period.
  • Sunglasses brand related traffic now accounts for around 50% of their overall organic traffic each month.


Link Building & Outreach

When we started working on their site, it was fairly new so their domain authority was low.

  • Our link building strategy involved building 4-6 highly relevant links to the site each month.
  • We built links only from sites that met our criteria: high quality, high domain authority, high relevance, and high traffic.
  • The result? They went from 5 referring domains to over 800+ referring domains over a 4 year period.
  • We also introduced an online review system called into their system. This resulted in over 960 collected reviews for Great Southern Sunnies, including custom-generated content.

Content Marketing

  • To strengthen their organic traffic pulling power, we added over 50+ high quality blog posts to the website.
  • From 2020 to 2022 we created informative and useful blog content that makes it easier for people to choose the best sunglasses most suited to their activity, lifestyle, purpose, or face shape, for example.
  • In June 2020 the blog was attracting less than 10 organic visitors per month, but by June 2022 it was attracting 200+ per month. That’s a 1900% increase in monthly organic visitors in 12 months.
  • Their organic monthly traffic went from 300 visitors (July 2018) to a peak of 2000 monthly visitors by November 2020.
  • Their organic revenue made a 220% percentage increase at its peak (from May 2020 to November 2020).

Google Ads

Google Ads Search & Shopping Campaign

To overcome SEO latency in a highly competitive market, we recommended implementing a Google Ads campaign.

  • We built a structured and highly profitable Google Ads campaign using a combination of search and shopping Ads.
  • We built and optimised a Google Ads campaign that generated over seven figures in sales.
  • For reference, according to Nielsen, the average ROAS is approximately $2.87 across all industries. Most marketers would regard a ROAS of 4 as decent. Great Southern Sunnies’ average ROAS was 5.4 in a highly competitive market.
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Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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