
After Engaging PixelRush For Google Ads & SEO...

Pristine Home Increased Organic Leads by 135% & Google Ads Conversions by 119%

408% Increase In Monthly Organic Visitors
135% Increase In Monthly Leads Generated from Google Organic
119% Increase in Monthly Leads Generated from Google Ads
51% Decrease in Cost Per Leads from Google Ads

About Pristine Home

Pristine Home is a small family owned and operated home cleaning service in Sydney and have been providing trusted cleaners for over 10 years.

Our Solution

Conversion Optimised

For every campaign we run, we strongly believe that you must have a high converting site. There’s no point in more traffic if that traffic won’t convert when it hits the website.

As part of this campaign we re-designed the home page to convert at much higher rates. In doing so, we were already able to gain more leads from their existing traffic while also impacting their monthly lead generation over the duration of their campaign.

SEO Optimised Site

As part of the SEO campaign we completely overhauled the onpage optimisation.

We created highly targeted region pages and suburb pages, writing more than 68 suburb pages each featuring unique content to give it the best opportunity to rank highly. The majority of these ranked first page in the top #3 spots (see below).

Including that, we reviewed all service pages providing a detailed and thorough review of all elements of their onpage SEO.

Content Marketing

We implemented a content marketing strategy and have been writing four high quality (1000+ words) articles per month for the duration of the campaign.

We wrote over 135+ blog posts which significantly increased the number of organic visitors and leads generated each month.

Detailed Performance Tracking

We built reports that highlighted and trended the bookings, form enquiries and phone calls. The team at Pristine Home were able to clearly see the return on their investment Pixelrush and the improvements across all areas of their search marketing.

Structured Google Ads Campaign

We built a structured and profitable Google Ads campaign. We created a combination of service and location campaigns and used a technique called dynamic keyword insertion to create dynamic landing pages. These pages allow us to create “perfect matches” between the search term, ad copy and landing page and significantly improve conversion rates.

Perfect matches, as we call them, improve quality score too which allowed us to significantly reduce the overall cost per lead by more than 51%.

Link Building & Outreach

We implemented a link building campaign with outreach to improve domain authority and overall competitiveness in Google search.

We were able to achieve 4-6 links per month from highly relevant cleaning and home improvement sites.

The prior agency was using a Private Blog Network (PBN) and decided to remove their links as we took over the campaign (this is a poor tactic).

Fortunately we were able to see it and rapidly rebuild the link profile in a short period. Over time we built over 130 high quality link all complying with our strict quality standards.

We Ranked Over 68+ Suburb Pages On The First Page

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Rockbros Enjoyed a 306% Return on Their Google Ad Spend Within 9 Months
How Gutterline Increased their Goal Completions by 2400% and Increased their number of ranking keywords by 5200% Within 5 Months
Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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