
After Engaging PixelRush For Google Ads & SEO...

Rec Xpress Increased Organic Conversions by 150% & Google Ads Conversions by 104%

150% Increase In Organic Conversions
104% Increase In Google Conversions
35% Increase In Organic Traffic
100 Signups generated for new Gym Pre-Sale

About Rec Xpress

Rec Xpress is a family owned and operated group of six gyms located throughout the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne.

They offer one of the lowest cost / highest value gym memberships you can find and are rapidly growing in active memberships.

Our Solution

Custom Website Development

As part of the SEO campaign, we made the decision to re-design the existing site. Any business website is the foundation of any successful campaign and by doing so we were able to improve the conversion rate by 150% allowing us to get more customers from their existing traffic.

As part of the project we did a complete overhaul of the website copy to ensure we better highlighted the critical features and benefits and gave fitness goers a real reason to choose Rec Xpress versus their competitors.

SEO Optimised Site

As part of the SEO campaign we completely overhauled the onpage optimisation.

We created highly targeted Gym & region pages, improved site speed and improved the meta (blue text / grey text in Google) to rank pages for more search term variations.

Content Marketing

We implemented a content marketing strategy and have been writing four high quality (1000+ words) articles per month. This is significantly impacting the brand awareness and increasing the traffic.

Detailed Performance Tracking

We built reports that highlighted and trended the signups, form enquiries and phone calls on a monthly basis allowing Rec Xpress to clearly understand exactly which areas of their marketing were performing best.

Structured Google Ads Campaign

We built a structured and profitable Google Ads campaign by targeting clicks with buying intent and protecting brand name terms.

We focused on searches in the local areas around each of the six locations.

Link Building & Outreach

We implemented a link building campaign with outreach to improve domain authority and overall competitiveness in Google search.

We were able to achieve 4-6 links per month from highly relevant fitness, health and gym related websites.

We ensured that each link met strict quality standards in terms of relevancy, authority and that the link site was receiving traffic from Google.

New Gym Pre Sale

We designed and created a landing page for a brand new gym location and pre sale launch.

We used Google Ads and SEO to successfully reach the target goal of 100 signups before the doors even opened.

The new gym launched with 100+ active memberships.


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Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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