
After Engaging PixelRush For PPC...

Increased PPC Revenue by 67% in 8 Months & 887% over 2 Years.

67% Increase in PPC Revenue in 8 Months
887% Increase in PPC revenue in 2.5 Years
173% Increase in Return on Ad Spend
$12 Return on Ad Spend for every $1 spent

#Note, the results for this campaign have been so strong that the client has not allowed us to use their name or specifics for fear it will encourage others into their industry.

About Campaign

This client is one of Australia’s largest independent and authorised seller of toys (name removed for privacy) and have been in business since 2007


This business was founded in 2007. Since the brands inception the business grew organically on word of mouth, the growth of online business and search engine marketing (SEO & PPC).

However over time results began to flat-line and growth began to decline.

In 2017, while running a pay per click campaign with one of Australia’s largest digital agencies, the owner became worried that his current agency, for a number of reasons, were not providing his spend and account with the attention it deserved.

Product sales were dropping, stock was becoming dormant in the warehouse and profit levels were reducing.

It was at this time the owner reached out to PixelRush to audit his account and identify whether we could improve the performance.

At the time we discovered:

  • Broad keyword targeting targeting broad terms related to the toys they sell, not specific terms.
  • Every ad was pointed at the home page rather than relevant landing pages.
  • A significant % of the budget each month was getting wasted on irrelevant search terms
  • No use of sitelinks, callouts or other extensions that help improve click through rate and reduce cpc.

Recent Results



PixelRush audited the entire Google Adwords Campaign and restructured the entire account with brand new campaigns...

Restructured Account

We redesigned the account to create an exact match between a visitors search term, our advert copy and the landing page products reducing cpc and increase click through rates.

Shopping Campaign

We implemented a Google Shopping campaign using an automated product feed, for Google Merchant, and importing and updating over 9000+ products daily into our campaigns. These frequently returns $10-12 for every $1 spent.

Dynamic Retargeting

We profiled visitors to the website and segmented them into audiences (added to cart, viewed product, checked out etc) which we then could re-target with relevant adverts and products.

Extensive Negative Keywords

We reviewed all of the historic data and campaigns and used the data to developed extensive negative keyword lists to ensure we minimised waste spend from the outset.

Advanced Bidding Strategies

We started with manual bidding providing us with precise initial control over our spend. As we received a greater number of conversions in our campaign we switched to target CPA bidding to lower CPAs before transition to target ROAs on Max Conversion Value.


Weekly Review

We reviewed the campaign week, multiple times, to ensure we were minimising wasted spend and reducing clicks on irrelevant search terms quickly.

Pivotal Family Lawyers Enjoyed A 575% Increase in Leadsfrom Month 1
iROCK Enjoyed a 263% Increase in Leads Generated Across All Channels
Rockbros Enjoyed a 306% Return on Their Google Ad Spend Within 9 Months
How Gutterline Increased their Goal Completions by 2400% and Increased their number of ranking keywords by 5200% Within 5 Months
Google Rating
Based on 62 reviews

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